Sunday, August 30, 2009

its hard to update my blog cuz siting in da midle of .......arrggghhh nnt ar ak!!



glak dan glak dan glak glak lagi.....ahahaha!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

::sometimes i need to beware of everything::

::in life not necessarily get wat we want.if we listen to people till then we can't solve da problem::

::i don't think it's easy 2 4give n normally people need time to solve?!but if it was easy 2 4give n forget immediately after a wrong is done there wold be no point::

^ . . ^

Sunday, July 12, 2009

weekend yg sgt boom!!

::just met someone yg ak cam tak pcy ley jumpe dia..4 3 hours ak lepak ngn dia..ak sgt tak pcy!!! :)

::job kat pekan perfectly done dan ak perlukan sminggu utk siapkan gambar..dan since mlm smlm sampai bln 10 ak dapat 3 ak okey lar sbb ak tak byk kenalan lagi..bulan pose pon ak ader job utk handle..bkn weding tp bday party..!!

::ak da abis tgk GG!!ak sgt angau gler babi..!!ak nk awek cam dorg..btw,saper tanak kan tp ssh jage..agaga!!


Love is like an aero plane
You jump and then you pray
The lucky ones remain
In the clouds for days
If life is just a stage
Let's put on the best show
And let everyone know

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Love is like a hurricane
You know it's on the way
You think you can be brave
Underneath the waves
If life is just a dream
Which of us is dreaming
And who will wake up screaming

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather it was you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Monday, July 6, 2009





Sunday, July 5, 2009


Friday, July 3, 2009

pada minggu ak ker terengganu utk reunion ney..dan ini adalah rakan2 ku disane..ader junior ader senior da sebagai..skrg mereke sedang membawa haluan masing..

amir aizat melaporkan dari sa..ehehehe!!
selamat menyambungkan pelajaran kpd kamu smue..

may Allah bless u..amin!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

setelah sekian lame tidak meng-updatekan blog..

bwt masa skrg perasaan byk mengacau jiwa ak yg lemah ini..jus imagine ak da edit about hundreds of fotos then gone cam tuh je..ak tak tawu maner g smue gambr tuh..include gambr *tioman,reunion dan ader lar sedikit lagi picture2 yg tak penting..

pastuh ak cam lemah ngan parents ak..mule2 offer kete pastuh tak jd beli kete then dia ckp just minta bape nk duit then awak modify lar kete tuh nk wat aper pon..bile ak da letak harge then dia ckp ma skrg "!@#$%^&*()".ok lar fine tak per ak cam aarrrr asl camney da janji kan ma..ak da teikowt "someone" nye perangai da..adoy!!

*dlm diz week ak akan upload smue gambr ak kalau sempat ak edit gambr2 itu..kwn2 ak tunggu ye..

*notice 2 my bff..rindu siot kat korang..ak ader byk bende nk crt ney..kalau free txt lar ak..nway,ak akan maaf kan kwn2 ak kalau dia atau kamu ley trima ak.. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

to all my fren..

jgn terlalu baik sgt ngan org coz buang mase..

bile kte bwt baik ngan org,then org wat sial kat ko..

aper perasaan ko ar??

dalam diam2 dia ley musnah kan hidop ko..SEYES!!

kalau ko agak2 ko da bwt baik ngan org then die wat sial..

ko chill jer..

tuhan itu maha adil..

marilah kte mendoakan kebaikan bukan keburukan..

jgn terlalu ikowtkan hati..

smue ader hot tamper tp kalau smue ko jer btol lemak gak kan..

tol x?

tak per sabar jer..

Sunday, June 14, 2009







Saturday, June 13, 2009




Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Article: 20 DSLR photography tips »

FERDY CHRISTANT - APR 29, 2008 (08:02:23 AM)

This article lists 20 tips to get started with DSLR photography. It is particularly useful to those who are used to point-and-shoot digicams and now want to take the next step in their photography skills.

I first got in touch with a DSLR camera during our holiday in Costa Rica. You can check some of those pics here and here. Although we got a lot of postive feedback about those pictures, there's a problem with them. We used the DSLR cam as if it were a point-and-shoot snapshot cam in automatic mode, not knowing about the power of the various manual controls. The fact that some of our pics turned out nicely, says more about the camera than it says about our skills. Furthermore, the selection we published is a very small subset of the 1,200 pics that we took in total, of which many are of a sub optimal quality.

By experimenting a bit and reading a few books, I now know more about DSLR photography, and we hope to put this in practice during our next trip. I'm still a beginner though, so here's a beginner passing on beginner tips to those who are just beginning with DSLR photography :)

1. Landscape composition

If you're shooting landscapes, there is a very easy rule to follow: the rule of the thirds. The idea is simple: 1/3 or 2/3 of your image should make up either the sky or the foreground, depending on where you want to put the focus on. This gives the photo more depth and a more dramatic look. It's a simple tip but beginners often position the horizon at exactly 1/2 of the photo.

Below is a photograph with the horizon at roughly 1/2 of the photo. Quite dull, and without any depth:

The next one focuses on the foreground, with the foreground at 2/3 and the sky at 1/3. Notice how this increases the depth:

And this one focuses on the sky (2/3), and leaves 1/3 for the foreground:

2. How to use aperture

somewhere on your cam, there is a manual setting that shows the options P, A, S, and M. A stands for aperture. Personally, I find this the most useful manual override on any cam. Aperture indicates how much of the stuff you see in your viewfinder will be in focus. A low aperture means that only the foreground will be in focus, whilst the background will be fuzzy. This is typically used for close-ups and macro-photography, or when you simply want to highlight a subject in the photo. A high aperture means that everything will be in focus, this is typically used for landscapes.

This example shows a subject shot with a low aperture, putting the foreground in focus whilst the background is fuzzy:

This example uses a high aperture, meaning that the full scene is in focus:

The range of aperture settings differ per lens, so be sure to play around with this.

3. How to shoot ultra-sharp images

The key to shooting ultra-sharp images is to of course keep your camera steady. Most cameras now have automatic stabilizers, giving you some tolerance in your movement. However, I noticed that even with the automatic stabilizers, upon close inspection on a large LCD screen, most of our pics had subtle blur effects in them. The only way to truly avoid this is to use a tripod. Inconvenient, but indispensable if you have the believe the experts. I have no experience with a tripod, but I will definitely bring one along on our next trip. An alternative is to use the self-timer of the cam, but you will not always have a steady surface to place the cam on.

4. Shoot in soft light

This one was kind of counter intuitive when I first heard it. I thought the best time to go shooting was in full daylight, but nothing could be further from the truth. Direct sunlight is in fact a photographer's nightmare. It causes overexposure, harsh shadows and a loss of detail. The best time to go shooting is at diffuse light, i.e. at dusk, dawn or right before/after a shower. If you have to shoot during the day, always shoot from the side, never let the sunlight be in front of you or behind you.

5. How to use ISO

ISO is a setting on your cam that determines the film speed. For beginners like us it basically means that the higher you set your ISO, the more light comes in. So, in dark settings, you can increase the ISO to capture more light. This comes with a major downfall though: it dramatically increases the noise on your pictures, and noise is hard to remove during post processing. Ideally, you should keep ISO as low as possible, only slightly increase it when shooting in dark scenes.

6. How to use white balance

Most cameras allow you to set the white balance. The white balance setting tells the cam which intensity/colors to see as highlights. This is one of the settings that you will want to override often. For example, when I'm shooting indoors in artifical light, I set the white balance setting to the "artifical light" mode. The result is that you get pics that look as if they were shot in daylight, without the need to use a flash. Note that if you shoot your pics as RAW, you do not need to worry about white balance, as this can be set during post processing. This is not the case for JPEG images, unfortunately.

7. What is Shutter speed?

Out of the P, A, S, M settings, S stands for shutter speed. A low shutter speed is useful to get sharp pictures from moving objects. You can also intentially set the shutter speed to a high value in order to create a more experimental picture, i.e. to capture fireworks, or the trail light of a car. I have little experience with shutter speed, so I will just tell you what it is for. Note though that shutter speed automatically increases in dark scenes, you will really need a tripod or self-timer for pictures to be sharp then.

8. When to use Automatic mode

Out of the P, A, S, M settings, P stands for program mode. You can consider this the fully-automatic setting of your cam, where it intelligently sets the aperture and shutter speed for you based on what you shoot. The best use for P is when you are not sure what you will shoot. Examples can be wildlife, or an urban scene where the scene itself changes so fast that you do not have time to manually tune your camera for the shot. Be sure to shoot a lot, so you increase your chances of having a sharp shot.

9. Keep things simple

Don't try to capture it all at once. Often it is better to keep your subject simple. Particularly complex backgrounds can really ruin a picture. Another poor example is to shoot crowds, they are simply not interesting, too complex and don't bring a clear message.

This is an example of a meaningless picture:

Now compare this to the focus and simplicity of this picture:

10. Allow your subject to move

Particularly with a zoom lens it is tempting to comes as close as you can, and to barely let the subject fit the frame. This is not the right thing to do though, as the subject becomes too static and the viewer cannot determine the context. This is best explained by an example.

Notice how the snake barely fits the frame. It seems locked in, and we do not have sense of its context or where it might be going:

Now notice that in the next example, the bird has room to go where he is pointing towards:

11. Never trust your LCD!

This is one of the most important tips that I have. I learned this the hard way. With a modern cam, you can instantly check the quality of your shot. The problem is, everything always looks sharp on a 2 inch screen. It is not until you come home and project your pics on a large screen that you will notice the blur, unsharpness and composition errors. Do not trust your cam's LCD. If your cam allows it, zoom in to the maximum to check every portion of your shot for errors, while you still can. Also, take a lot of shots in order to increase your chance of success.

12. Move around and experiment

A lot of photographers walk up to a scene and just start shooting. Often you will not get the best shots this way. It is recommended to move around the subject and see it from different angles. Also, try out various settings on your cam to experiment. Film is cheap. This tip is kind of a no-brainer, but many do not put it into practice. A slightly different angle can make a world of difference in exposure. I personally experimented a lot in our garden. Nobody bothers me there and I can try out lots of things at my own pace. You'll be surprised how much you can learn and how interesting your shots can be in even the dullest of gardens. And of course, you really do not want be to be learning your cam on the scene, you should be ready on the scene.

13. Avoid built-in flashes

I never knew this either, but using your cam's built-in flash is rarely a good thing. The problem with this flash is that it will point directly at your subject and cause hard light with harsh shadows. Diffuse light is much better. This is why most pro cams do not even have an integrated flash, instead they rely on an external flash which they point to the ceiling or wall to create diffuse light with soft tones. Also note that you can often avoid flash by tuning your ISO and white balance settings.

14. Choose one brand, and stick to it.

If you're into digital photography for the long run, it is best to choose a single brand and stick with it. the biggest investments you will make are in lens equipment and you will want to make sure that your lenses fit when you replace the cam body. There's plenty of good brands around, but if you ever want to evolve into a (semi) pro, it seems there is little choice: Canon or Nikon.

15. Consider purchasing filters

Filters are lens extensions that you can screw onto your lens. A common one to have is a U/V filter. It protects your lens from direct sunlight. Although many disagree with this, there's one other benefit. The filter will protect your lens if you drop it. The filter may be gone, but your expensive lens is likely to survive. Other filters you can consider are the polarizing filter (to decrease reflections), colorizing filters (increase richness of color) and the IR filter (to shoot in complete darkness). I'm not much of a filter fan personally, as most filtering effects can be done during post-processing.

16. Learn more by watching others

A very cheap and effective way to learn about photography is to browse through photo sites that display metadata. You just select a picture you like, and then you did he do that? By reading the meta-data, you can see which settings for aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc the photographer used. Next, you can apply the same settings to a similar subject.

If you're into reading books, I highly recommend to use multiple books on the subject. I have read a few and some advise was conflicting with another author.

17. Consider using Adobe Lightroom

Many of you will use Adobe Photoshop for post-processing, which is an excellent choice. Do know though, that there is a dedicated, professional-level photo processing application from Adobe as well. It's called Adobe Lightroom, and comes far cheaper than Photoshop. Although targetted at professionals, even a noob like me can use it. In essence, the "Develop" panel will show you a ton of sliders that you can use to tune your pictures.

Here is an unprocessed photo:

1 minute later, after playing around with a few sliders in Lightroom:

This example is slightly over-processed if you ask me, but it's only an example to show how much impact post-processing can have.

18. Backups and memory cards

It is better to buy a few fast, small memory cards, than a single large one. This way you will decrease the chance of losing everything when the card fails. Also, the sooner you get to backup the card to a hard disk, the better. Always store your pictures on multiple disks, preferably at different locations. Photographs you have taken cannot be replaced once lost.

19. Keep track of what you shoot

During our Costa Rica trip, we did not keep enough track of what we were shooting. Back home, we had a lot of trouble organizing the photos by location, animal, etc. Therefore, at the very minimum write down where you were at what date. This way you can match the date of the photos with the location later on. Even better is to keep a note book to write down extra details. Some cams may also give you the option to attach a voice recording to a photograph.

20. Metering mode and focus mode

This last tip is kind of targetted towards both myself and you. I have learned that you can set most cams into different metering and focus modes. I somewhat know what this means, but have not experimented with it enough to tell you when to use which mode. For now, just know that it's there and that it may require some follow-up.


Those were my tips. Again, do not trust me as an expert on this, be sure to read some books from professional photographers. I still hope that you found my tips to be somewhat useful in figuring out the basics of DSLR photography.

ini adalah trip kami ker jb dan ini adalah gambr ak amik dr deala.gambr ak bwt mase skrg ak tak ley nk upload lagi coz comp ak kat umah cik karim dan skrg dia berada di sa ntah wat aper.tension ak!!ahhahaha!!

btw da trip was fucking shit asshole"smue ader" best nk mampos okey.ak having fun gler babi coz smue cam tak bekire, mane nk g smue cam layan kan jer.pelakon plg best ialah nieda..ckit2 bdn melekit lar,nk mand,mengatuk,lapar dan sebagai nye.ahaha!!kalau tak paham tak penting hanye da TM's jer paham.

ak rase sampai disini sj..kepda smue ak tak jd g pulau perhentian ak akan ker pulau tioman pada minggu depan.pulau perhentian akan ku ke nxt trip bersame.....lalalalala~


Thursday, June 4, 2009

sagittarius The meaning of sign SAGITTARIUS

Ninth sign of the zodiac

Your element: Fire
Your ruling planet: Jupiter
Tarot card corresponding to your sign: Temperance
Your lucky color: Cobalt Blue
Your stone: Sapphire

Like the other signs of Fire, your sign attracts others. If everything is going well in your life, and sometimes even in spite of problems, you have a gift for smiling, for gaiety, and for conviviality.

From your ruling planet Jupiter you have inherited a great potential for luck. Your intuition is very strong; you get this from the animal portion of your emblem: the centaur. The centaur has the body of an animal and the head of a man. Symbolically, the animal aspect represents intuition. This intuition should lead you towards good fortune, guide you in your choices, and bring you to people who are positive influences on you. It should give you the skill of rapid and fair decision-making, a flair for that which can do you good, and an almost animal-like suspicion of that which can do you harm.

Unfortunately, the head represented by the human part of the centaur too often gets the upper hand over intuition. You hesitate, you doubt, you think too much. Sometimes you even fear getting too involved, and you become distrustful for no reason. Therefore you let a great deal of good fortune pass you by, whether it be in the emotional or material realm. You know that when a chance comes by it's absolutely necessary to seize it immediately. You often regret your hesitations.

Your relations to the other signs:

It's possible to get along well with Capricorns. There is sexual attraction with Scorpios but these relationships may be risky. It is difficult for you to understand Geminis, and passion or rejection are the two forms of romantic relations between your two signs.

You can relate well to Tauruses as long as your intuition is active and brings gaiety to the relationship. Contact with Pisces is difficult. You can live happy moments with Leos, but be careful of superficial friendships and of disenchantment.

This short, unassuming analysis can help you to better conduct your existence. To learn to know yourself better allows you to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

The people who succeed in life are often those who know consciously or unconsciously to make the most of their talents, their advantages, and their strengths, while understanding how to maintain control over their weaknesses.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

pada mlm ini perangai paan sgtlah pelik n maybe ader hikmah disebaliknye

Tepat jam kol 1255 maybe.paan telah mengalami xcident yg agak terok dan keretenye totaly lost.stgh jam kemudian bpk nye sampai ngan muke yg tak puas hati dan asik menggosok rambut nye.kerete itu ak rase tak sampai stahun br beli dan paan merasmikan xcident terhadap kerete tersebut.

Sewaktu eksiden itu berlaku ak btol2 sblh kerete nye.ak bkn lar racing aper ngan dia cume ak laju dr dia n paan seorg yg pantang tgk kerete lagi laju dr dia.ak sedar2 dia mmg laju gler dr blakang pastuh lost control.time dia lost ak tgk muke dia yg 'TOLONG TOLONG' ak cam xtawu cam ne nk selamat kan dia n ak just selamat kan kerte ak dr kne langgar ngan dia tkowt nnt dia kne byr kete ak gak.da lar ak nk jual kerte ak kang mcm2 hal lak.ahaha!!

just imagine lepas jer 2 3 minit mcm paan bwt concert ramai gler babi org.ktorg act otw nk g mkn burger kat sec 11 n mereke sgt mengidam.selepas sj paan eksiden ak tros call ali ngan berak coz g seperate car.dorg ingat ak main2.dorg dtg ngan muke cuak.ak cakap dude chill lar paan eksiden btol2 sblh ak n ak okey lepas eksiden kaki wa goyang gak.time eksiden ak cam 'fuck paan bapak ko mest angin ngan ko'.

guess wat paan kuar jer tros ckp mati ar ak.pastuh ak kompom tak ley nk g perhentian ngan korank.time lepak br jer paan ckp ak consider dlu.sedey nye paan tak g.sape nk suply brg.OPS!!!yg penting paan kuar tros ckp psl perhentian.ak cam terharu coz ak yg plan pastuh dia cam still ckp psl perhentian.

essay ak agak keling tp layan kan jer.ahahaha!!
paan kamu take care yer..

Monday, June 1, 2009






lagu ini sgt best..tgk lar lyrics dia..hahah!!
sekarang menunjukan pada pkol 115 am.ak rase macm xsempurna pada ari ney.seumpama iman ak sgt lemah pada hari ini.ini tak tawu aper yg sedang ak fikir kan.smue dalam hidop ak da dapat 'kowt' tp masih lagi hati ak tak senang.tapi kenape yer?
dalam otak ak mengatakan ko xder masalah n ko happy. tp knp ko bowsan ari ney?sepatutnye ko harus happy pada hari ini kerana ko bgn pagi kol 9 ngan hati yang senang pastuh g keje.lunch ngan all the dato' n ayah yg bwk ak.
sampaingan : pergh ko rase cam ko org kaye mkn ngan dorg.just imagine org lain amik makanan kat depan tp ko duduk pastuh ader org hidang makanan kat ko.if u guys in my place its like so fucking heaven beb series dow.pastuh borak psl bsns,borak nye borak pastuh ader one DR ngan NURSE lalu.dorg cam pergh "gewe tu chomey lote kalu dapat kat kawe hah".ak cam bley gelak je.yer lar da kaye.pompuan skrg cam ko kaye okeyh jalan.APADAHAL!!pasthu org kaye da kenyang chow ar aper lagi takkan nk simpan lame2.tol x?sambung pada crt.dato' nie duit tak berkire cume mereke ini adalah org kelantan.tuh jer lar.hahaha!!

back to the story atas tuh kan...

kowl 2 cam tuh ak da blk coz ak ader keje kat bank ckit yer lar byk hutang.nk byr hutang tru internet tak teamik2 lagi no pin.pastuh pg sec9 konon nye nk potong rambut tp 'tukang potong rambut' dia msok petang.ak cam act ak tak nk potong coz pendek lagi tp rase cam nk potong jer.huahua!!

skrg ak da tk der idea nk tulis aper..hahaha!!!!just nk ckp siang ak sgt happy but when it comes to mlm ney ak rase cam tidak sempurna tak tawu knp..aaaarrrr knp eyh??cuti ney ak tak tangkap gambr lagi ak sgt rindu kan shot2 ak walaupon tak seberape..ehehe!!diz week ak kat ke jb bersame bdk2 tm.ak harapkan ak dapat release tension ak bersame rakan2 ak disane..syed nntkan kemunculan kami..

sekian wasalam!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

wat is bsns means to u??
bsns revolves around making decisions,oftn risky decisions ,usually with incomplete information and too often in less time than we need.executives at every level, in industry,are confronted with information overload,less leeway for mistakes ,and a bsns environment that changes rapidly.

didalam bsns smue harus berhadapan ngan mcm2 org.bile kamu berborak ngan professional contoh:
conversation tru a n b;
a:sudah bape lame berkecipung dgn kamera?

b:4 years!

a:so u ngan 'someone' cam ner??

b:ermm hate when u ask about him..but tak per lar tuh rezki dia nk wat bsns cam tuh tak per lar..

conclusion:ak suke org pro yg cam tuh jawab kerana cara dia menjawab seolah2nye tidak menjatuhkan someone n setgh org lagi2 kalau melayu perggh cam babi jer perangai..ko ingat ko sape star ker??adoyai!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

panching in action...ehehe!!

ak perlu syok sendiri kerana inilah kehidupan seorg fotographer yg ssh utk org tgkp gambr ko..kdg2 kne syk sndr gak..ahaha!!

ak da tak der posing lain n ntah ak tgkp jer..muke ini adalah mengatakan hes single aite now..

ini adalah makhluk yg bersame ku ari tuh..or ini adalah geng2 strbux..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

abg SYAHRIN AZIZ told me diz,

"atually kan, yang penting, is how to compose gambar bagi cantik.. editing perkara ke dua..

zaman sekarang ni, digital dah banyak merubah photography sebab orang boleh mencantik kan gambar thru photoshop aje.. dah tak hiraukan pasal aspek2 teknikal dalam photography..."


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

tuhan itu maha adil..

2 bende ak rase cam pelik berlaku kat ak ari ney..

1st.... aarrrggghh mls ar nk crt..!!

nk tawu text ak..ahahah!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to Run a Photography Business 101 by Iskandar Ibrahim.

How to get supplies (eg. album, camera, software, backdrop, etc.)

Please try to use the internet to find sources of supplies. why so lazy? why sms/call me? like as if i'm going to help you especially i don't even know you? how about a courtesy of introduction first, then ask me? There's so much available out there. Use the forum, google, yahoo, or whichever search engine you prefer. there is no shortcut in this world. put some effort in your business. want to make money but lazy to put effort. asking a so called competitor is just wronglah friend. i hate it when people call/sms/email and ask me 'where to get bla bla bla..."

use the damn internet!


How to get tips (eg. take photo, what equipment, etc.)

Don't add me on facebook or flickr or YM or MSN just to ask silly questions. its either you'll get a silly answer or i'll just ignore you. come on, there's classes available and even TT's! you don't just add me and start asking! who are you to ask me especially i don't even know you? again, introduction of yourself would actually help. please don't be rude.. make an effort to learn on your own. Iskandar Ibrahim is a self-taught photographer. i may not be a millionaire or most-sought photographer but i do know how to take pics. either you like it or not, thats too bad for you. effort! put some effort in yourself! learn by buying books, looking at websites, join TT's, join short classes.. what's wrong with that? want to make a quick buck? spoil the market? then you're in the wrong place. i enjoy weddings. i love what i do!


How to charge (eg. wedding, commercial, model, etc.)

Don't simply put a price when you don't know crap about business. telephone calls, parking ticket, toll, etc are all investment cost! don't think you earn RM300 one job you're happy. think about all the effort and cost you go through. some of you's maybe still staying with parents, sponsored by some company to use their internet, telephone, etc.. maybe you cut cost from there.. but you're still an idiot. buying equipment is cost too. so, calculate'lah'! let me show you how to calculate for all the dummies out there.

D3 = RM 15,000
1 Job = RM 1,000
15 Jobs = RM 15,000

Target now 15 jobs for a D3.

Utilities = RM 500 p/m (RM17 p/d)
Album cost = RM?
Fuel / Toll / Parking = RM?
Rent = RM?

after all that.. per job up to 4 hours : RM 1,500 including album.

it's easier if you target 1 year = 365 days = RM 250,000
EXAMPLE For Wedding
1 month = 4 weekends = 12 days of work (fri, sat, sun)
1 year = 12 months = 48 weekends = 144 days of work
Target RM 250,000 / 144 days = RM 1,737 per job.

not that hard right? now stop asking "how much can i charge for an assignment".


How is it not a salary to Part Timers.
Simple, they got a day job! How can it be a salary to them! For most of us, we rely on photography everyday! it's our bread and butter. our 'periuk nasi'. you may earn confirm RM3000 p/m sitting in the office. earning an 'extra income' is a bonus, its not a salary.

That's all for now.

Happy shooting!

Iskandar Ibrahim

dat is note from iskandar ibrahim..

Monday, May 18, 2009

disuatu pagi yg tak tawu nk wat per..kami lepak di BJ dan byk gosip di gosip kan..'xley bla gosip'!!so dat nite berak was da main person dat we argued..
u no why coz dia adalah sorg laki yg bodoh mengejar sorg pompuan yg dia da ludah n nk jilat blk..pompuan tuh mmg da tanak dia n dia still like wanna dat women..n ak pon menggunakan sifat ak yg tak seberape..conversation bermule..

a=berak kalau ak nk couple ngan lala ko bg tak..

b=kalau ko nk ak tumbuk ko couple lar..

p=dude chill lar asl ko nk moody sgt..lala pon da tanak ko kan..

b=ntah lar paan ak syg dia gler babi ak xley lupe kan dia..

a=IAB..ak bley jer walaupon ak syg gler babi..

b=ko lain mer tuh dia yg dumb ko so cam sng...


d=alah ko couple pon staun n ko break ngan dia mase ko form 4..ko couple pon xsampai staun..aper yg bwt ko syg sgt kat dia?

b=ntah lar..

d=k lar aper perasaan ko skrg?

b=jap ak call..*kring...lala tak angkat..tuh lar perasaan ak..

a=ha?ak xphm?

b=yer lar ak cam bengang kalau dia xangkat..masalah nye slalu xangkat..

tuh jer ley ak crt..anyway adoy berak tolong lar stop ske dia..kalau dia nk ko pon secare terpakse pastuh korank akan couple dlm keadaan bowsan n terpakse.."cinta n syg lain dow berak"..itu jer lar utk masa ini..agagag!!berak adalah laki yg ntah lar..member nye psl!!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

im going back home..

miss my home town..

lately always going back to homey alone..

no more teman2..

fuck off smue tuh..

setahun lapan bulan lagi..

nnt kan!!

Monday, May 11, 2009






Friday, May 8, 2009








Thursday, May 7, 2009

dalam dunia ney ak ader 4 org adeq bradeq n skrg tgl ak sorank jer kat malaysia..n 2 org kat bwh ney is like my best fren ++ adeq bradeq..eventho byk telah ku blajar tp ak still anggap dorg ney best..ahaha!!

nama nye ialah nurfartihah..
status=in relationship
age=secret sbb da tuwe...agaga!!
notes=bapak ske gler shoping pastuh beli kasot..ak pon tak paham!!pastuh panas baran oo..adoyai!!

nama=amir aizat
status=SINGLE OKE!!
age=as usual 19
notes=gler camera..

status=in relationship
age= 21++
notes=perangai dia same cam teha ader panas baran ckit..kalau bad mood tak ley nk text..agaga!!

ini adalah familyku..ssh same2 sng same2.........!!

sbb ak bowsan lar terkuar idea ney..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



byk gle crt time ak ngah snap gambr ngan boy.ader sorank cina ney bdk tempat keje dia.agak tak btol ckit lar.time sue ney nk blk kuantan ader bdk cina ney name dia lim.ak ngan boy pgl dia lim tat.agaga!!lim ney crt lar act dia da ske sue lama tapi tak tawu cam ner nk stat.sue ney ckp lar sue nk kawen n sue just ley anggap lim as a fren.dude time sue crt kat ktorg ak glak cam pukimak ko tawu..da lar time ngah makeup bapak pns gler kowt.sambil glak sambil menitik ploh ak.

environment tgkp gambr kat kawasan kg ngan bandar mmg lain.wat i mean is da culture.anyway 2 be a wedding photographer its so tired man.

++ ader org mintak no fon ak.dia tanye ak compony mane ak ckp sy just follower jer.dude ak da buang costomer ko tawu..tak per lagi pon ak new entry..tak lame lagi ader lar rezki tuh..tuh jer picture..

selebihnya 2 be continue...

mood : fuck off!!

-asl nk exam jer masalah datang..

-bile ssh mmg org ssh nk tlg..bile sng byk lak org mintak tlg..ak tak ske dapat member yg cam tuh..

fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk ooooooooffff man!!

kalau ssh sgt nk amik brg ak bsok ak nk runner sa biar ak amik brg ak sendiri....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

wasiat utk kamu yg sedang bercinta n best fren ak

ak nk korank happy cam ney smpai bile2..

ak tanak korank akan jd cam ney..u got me kan..GADO pastuh masing2 wat muke!!ahaahha!!

amoy jgn sbb syaf tgkp cam tuh ko da wa muke stim..agagaga!!

ak ske lagu ney n fahamkan lyric ney btol2...agagagag!!

[Verse 2]
Oh girl!
I don't want nobody else,
Without you, there's no one left then,
You're like Jordans on Saturday,
I gotta have you and I cannot wait now,
Hey! Little shawty,
Say you care for me,
You know I care for you,
You know...that I'll be true,
You know that I won't lie,
You know that I would try,
To be your everything..yeah..

'cause if I got you,
I don't need money,
I don't need cars,
Girl, you're my all.

semoga bahagia.....


LAMA2: TEXT JER LAR..maner tawu dapat





itu lar kisah nye..dlu ader org jual mahal skrg pergh jeles ak tgk..da lar da best thing is..2 3 hari ak break pastuh syaf ckp weyh ko nk tawu crt tak ko brek ak couple..aku:ngan saper dow??ngan amoy..mood ak time tuh ngah tak seberape tros snym..ak dapat berkongsi kebahagiaan member2 ak.eyh jap knp member2..ahaha teha kan da ader couple gak so ak menumpang kegembiraan ar..

to be continue ...